✨ Auth0 x Hashnode Hackathon

✨ Auth0 x Hashnode Hackathon

In August, I participated in the "Auth0" hackathon from Hashnode


The objective is to build any project you want with Auth0 API techno

What is Auth0 ??? authentication-as-a-service platform completely free! Let Auth0 handle the complexities of secure authentication so you can focus on building your app!


August 2nd, 2021 (00:00 PT): Hackathon begins. August 31st, 2021 (23:59 PT): Deadline for submissions. but I plan to make something nice in one week starting from August 23rd.

🎯 Objectif: Let's try to code 30min-1h per day

First day - Find the idea

I open my notes with all the small projects idea I want to make with different tech and picked up the one where it seems interesting to add/have a user layout in-app.

  • quiz (driving licenses, flashcard decks, ...)
  • game (Ogame, ...)
  • blog generator

✅ The app idea is to make a quiz

Second day - Preact and Openquizzdb

I'm used to Reactjs but I wanna try Preact to have something lighter. Also, I needed quiz data for my app, but I mostly found quiz about development topics instead of quiz data.

Third day - Investigate on Auth0

Let's start to plug Auth0 into my localhost and check the possibilities.

Fourth day - Complete the integration

The authentication is working fine on my localhost. Now, I have to find a cool way to integrate a quiz like a slider of questions.

  • ✅ Complete integration of Auth0
  • ✅ Investigate on revealjs

Fifth day - Complete the quiz

After few hours of debugging, it has been difficult to integrate Revealjs through preact. I even tried the Revealjs-react version I found but it was almost the same. Perhaps my "quiz" components architecture and the Revealjs layer were having trouble. So I quite Revealjs and let a simple page doing the job.

  • ✅ Complete integration of the quiz (good/bad answer, score counting, fun facts, ...)

Last day - Last fixes and delivery

I didn't realize but 23:59 PT is actually today 8:59 AM 🙀 So let's wrap it up quickly with the delivery on Vercel. No surprise on that part.

  • Delivery done!
  • ✅ Hashnode post
  • ✅ Tweet

Challenge accepted

Even with a short time to focus on this hackathon, it was interesting to have a user-role service to integrate this time.

With Auth0 the user layer was very simple to integrate and you can retrieve a lot of data from the social identity providers.

The next part I would like to explore is related to different authentication levels (API and SSO) and play with security parameters.

🎁 Please enjoy the quiz here

Thanks, Auth0 and Hashnode for making this hackathon again ✌