๐ฐ Daily dev
It's like every week seems the same this month... I think I finished to work on Spring JPA for now. I moved to another frontendmentor challenge I want to do with Angular but I will probably make a small project/tuto before in order to learn the logic of this framework.**
๐ก Interesting resources
- A bit of CSS CSS cheat sheet
- Web tools web tool I already partially use but I want to investigate on the other
- Spring doc
๐ญ Thoughts of the week
The end is close but august seems to be an infinite month -_- ... bis
โ Achieved this week
- Reading every day a little bit of Jean Michel Doudoux java concept course
- Spring JPA dvdstore
๐ Plan for next week
- Survive to work
- Organize my Java Spring project into a section in my portfolio