๐ฐ Daily dev
This week, I continued to look for projects to achieve the '4 PR' target for Hacktoberfest. I currently have 6 PR (pull requests) 'in-progress. Waiting for approvement ;)
I'm working on egghead angular lessons.
I discovered bastienre4 on twitch how's developing video games live with Unity
๐ก Interesting resources
- http://hnkansai.org/ Japanese meetup group about IT in Kansai
- bio.link create a personal bio link page like mine
- https://podrocket.logrocket.com/ podcast website about IT
- streamlinehq free icons
- Ludum Dare game jam
- Javascript GIT repo
- frontend project TODO to master skills
- Interesting portfolio
- Quizz about dev the kind of game I wanted to dev (Anki-like) for IT dev knowledge
๐ญ Thoughts of the week
- Difficulties to develop on multiple branches with GIT.
โ Achieved this week
- Started to clear my notion
๐ Plan for next week
- Clear my notion with spring courses notes
- Grafikart youtube's video on Typescript
- Start another Frontendmentor challenge with Angular?