🌞 Every day I'm coding #Week40

🌞 Every day I'm coding #Week40

📰 Daily dev

This week I did set up a Postgres database AND a spring backend rest API on Heroku.

I am working on the frontend part with Angular but struggling with CORS among others smaller issues.

💡 Interesting resources

“Truth can only be found in one place: the code.”

― Robert C. Martin, Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship

💭 Thoughts of the week

  • I'm fed up with config/network issue #CORS !!

✅ Achieved this week

  • Database on Heroku
  • Deployed Spring backend on Heroku

📅 Plan for next week again

  • Prepare new Game Jam (at least give a try with a sample of plan/idea to prototype)