🚀 2022! Ready! Go!

🚀 2022! Ready! Go!

Target of 2022

Start with small objectives first, then add other objectives when the daily routine and tools will be set up and effective.

For the beginning of the year, my objectives are the following

  • Keep doing with the 2ARticles1Week challenge
  • Keep coding as much as I can
  • Read daily.dev articles and newsletter posts every day Other objectives to add later in the routine are the following
  • Cover the web dev roadmap
  • Do something for the community (help people on StackOverflow, contribute to opensource projects, ...) and make a useable project such as VSCode extension/chrome extension or even a World of Warcraft addon!

Seting up tools and mindset

Things you need to achieve your dev targets

  • VS Code extension and Chrome extension => saving dev time
  • Todoist => keep motivated
  • Notion => Stay organized

Plan / Roadmap

  • Use the blog to show my weekly dev achievements and plan on what I have/want to work on for next week.
  • Doing a monthly review of what I have achieved and updating objectives
  • Cover one point of the [developer roadmap] (roadmap.sh) every week/months
  • Achieve the Flutter course

New opportunity with Web3

Web3 just arrive and there is multiple hackathons so let's do our best!