📰 Daily dev
Monday 28
- Install GithubCorner on my twitter-clone, Covid19-tracker
Tuesday 29
- Install GithubCorner on my discord-clone, react-pokedex
Wednesday 30
- Install GithubCorner on my messenger-clone
Thursday 31
- Start NextJs with Netlify
👏Happy New Year!
Friday 1
- First post on the blog
- Start #100DaysCodeChallenge with a GitHub repo and tweet every day
- Finish and deploy NextJs with Netlify
Saturday 2
- Composition API with Netlify.
- Complete the challenge
Sunday 3
- Did read a lot of stuff about blogging and writing posts. So much than my brain will explode.
- Small UI changes in my portfolio
📅 Plan for next week
Dev projects
- WeLoveDev profile forked and ready to go
- Choose a challenge on Frontendmentor
- Start the Sveltjs formation
- Add Reactjs project section