๐ฐ Daily dev
This week, I mainly worked on my portfolio to make something I think is good and responsive. I learned a lot about design and mobile UI cause it's my first website I really focus on mobile UI to look clean.
I did also a Svelte course I bought a few months ago. Compare to another course I bought about Gatsby that was more "complicated" to understand, I feel like I could just read the doc lol. However, the example and explanation were easy to go with so I was good.
๐ก Interesting resources
- Moderncss
- Learn basics of AWS
- Unsplash Developers API
- mattfarley portfolio I took as an example regarding design, color choice/usage and mobile display.
๐ญ Thoughts of the week
- Need to apply for one job in Japan per day or I will never make the first step waiting for the best company to appears and decline me :(
โ Achieved this week
- Portfolio mobile UI
- Formation "hardcoder" Svelte
๐ Plan for next week
- Sprint boot signup/login + security webapp