๐ฐ Daily dev
This week, I sketch 3 ideas to work on for the Hashnode Hackathon Powered by Vercel
- Custom theater
- Music player with animation
- GitHub showrepo with Github API to create a single page of cards with all your Github project, code link and live link.
I started with threejs and had some difficulties to make work the javascript ('require' for example)
I thought it was a javascript 'level' configuration like ES6 so I used esbuild
Esbuild was not fitting well the architecture of the app I wanted to do (or maybe too soon to use it) so I removed it to use Nextjs.
Once the configuration was okay, I started again to implement samples.
At the end of the week, and with not much time and effort put into this project, I decided to move to the next idea.
I also started to put my old university project on my Github to clear some space and keep track of old stuff.
๐ก Interesting posts
- Video about interview
- Freecodecamp react clone app to build this year (already done some of it)
- Esbuild
๐ญ Thoughts of the week
Don't have so much time and concentration to start from scratch now a Threejs project.
Have to remake a clear resume to apply to abroad opportunity (Japan, Canada ?)
โ Achieved this week
Not much as I wanted we Threejs.
I went through the doc of Nextjs and got 500 points (maximum) for achieving all the quiz along with the documentation.
๐ Plan for next week
- 5 days to achieve a custom music player with clip animation like here
- this weekend it's the Global Game Jam