🌞 Every day I'm coding #Week6

🌞 Every day I'm coding #Week6

📰 Daily dev

This week I stopped reading daily 3 articles on daily.dev and I completed the first Freecodecamp Responsive Web Design path (except the challenge part). It was nice to go back to web basics and do some CSS, flexbox, and grid training.

On side of it, I also continue on my custom music player and wrap up the Hashnode Vercel challenge on Sunday at 8 AM.

That's all and it was a good week.

💡 Interesting posts

💭 Thoughts of the week

Just a bit sad about the fact that I didn't have time to make my music player work well on NextJs.

✅ Achieved this week

📅 Plan for next week

Begin a roadmap backend Java

  1. Make an E-commerce database schema.
  2. Make a product page dynamic.
  3. Make a blog architecture.
  4. Make an authentication module (with JWT).
  5. Use an external API.