⚙ React Covid-19-tracker-clone

⚙ React Covid-19-tracker-clone

React Covid-19-tracker Clone


Follow along with the youtube tutorial 🔴 Build a COVID-19 Tracker with REACT JS for Beginners (React Hooks and Material UI) and set up the firebase app.

What I have learned?

  • Make async API resquest with fetch
  • Use javascript npm library like chartjs, numeral and leaflet
  • React modules react-leaflet
  • Integrate open API disease.sh
  • Integration of Firebase for hosting
  • Integration of Material ui (https://material-ui.com/)

Use case with Singapore

Total cases


Total recovered


Total deaths




Create react app sample and start the app

npx create-react-app covid-19-tracker
cd covid-19-tracker
npm start



  • App
    • InfoBox
    • Table
    • LineGraph


  • Install Firebase for backend with npm i firebase

  • log in to the app with firebase firebase login

  • Deploy firebase with the following command in the console

firebase init
Enter yes to proceed
? Hosting: Configure and deploy Firebase Hosting sites
? Use an existing project
? covid-19-tracker-cfb05 (covid-19-tracker)
? What do you want to use as your public directory? build
? Configure as a single-page app? Yes
  • Clean and create the version to deploy with npm run build
  • After any update, run the command again and deploy with firebase deploy